
2012-08-7 602 課堂筆記

, and it made it impossible…
, which made it impossible …
Die died died  (v)
Dead (a)   death(n)
That were caused
As much as 10 percent of the food
Nowadays =today
Bring about=give rise to=cause
Is filled with
Encourage (v)鼓勵
Discourage (v)阻擋
**若形容詞後接名詞時,則宜並放入as…as 之中
è你應該儘()可能讀(很多)   read books
èyou should read as many books as you can.
我已蒐集的郵票是我弟弟的4(many stamps)
èI have collected four times as many stamps as my brother has.
è(how many stamps do you collect)

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