
2013-06-15 501 課堂筆記

Who is your friend? I want to know who your friend is? Who is your better half? I want to know who your better half is? 間接問句:主詞動詞不倒裝 What it will be like?它會是什麼樣子 It will be like … 它會像是狗一樣. It will be like a dog. It will be like a cat. It will be like a disaster.災難 I prefer apples to strawberries.我喜歡蘋果勝過於草苺 I prefer jolin to jay chou我喜歡酒令勝過於傑臭 Generally speaking=in general 一般而言, S+V Produce (v)生產 Produce (n) 農產品 Product (n)商品 Production (n)生產 Pure純的 Purity 純/純真/單純 Uniform 制服(n) Uniformity單一 Uno =1=one Immature (a)不成熟的/未成熟的 A piece of furniture一件家具 蘇活族 Global village (n)西裝suit John wore a suit to the interview yesterday. (n)訴訟 John filed(提出) a suit against提起訴訟that company. 約翰對那家公司提出訴訟 Educate (v)教育 Educator 教育家 This software is compatible with this computer.此軟體與此電腦相容 Blood that is compatible .. Which is compatible 重複的名詞,單數用that 複數用those表示 Dramatic The flea Thanks to your help, S+V N 幸虧有 N,S+V Manager 經理 (Being ) experienced … Whether he separated(v) from his wife. 分開 1. the Statue of Liberty 自由女神 2. Mary is small in stature. 瑪莉身形嬌小 (身高) 3. statute 法規/體制 4. social status 社會地位 5. status quo 現狀 coffeemate 奶精+sugar=fat since 當 “自從”,主要子句用現在完成式(have+pp)表示 soul mate精神伴侶 schoolmate 同校同學 roommate 室友 mate A with B I am delighted to see you.我很高興見到妳 Delight (n)高興 Insure (v) I insured my house against fire.為房子投火險 Insurance 保險 Assure (v)保證 Mary assured me that she will help me then Today=nowadays, 1.Mary used to go jogging the past years. 瑪力過去幾年習慣慢跑(現在不跑) 2.Are you used to the life for now?你習慣現在的生活嗎? Are you used to it? 你習慣嗎? Throughout the history 縱觀歷史 Throughout the world= all over the world全世界 only在句首,主詞、助動詞要倒裝 despite +N, S+V 儘管 Despite the fact that they closed the door, S+V Despite their closing the door, the burglar夜賊 broke into the house. Insist on 堅持 Persist in 持續 I am still working on it. Independence 獨立(n) Insistence 堅持 Firm (a)堅決的/堅定的/穩定的 You must be firm to carry out your plan.你必須要堅定去執行你的計畫 Firmly (adv)堅定地堅決地 Required courses 必修課程 An optional course 選修課 Based on=according to Are you tired? I am sort of tired. I am kind of tired. 有點兒 Sort of/kind of Scientist 科學家 Science fiction科幻小說 S1 recommend Suggest Advise that S2(should) Order VR Demand Require/request 建議命令要求某人做某事 Employer 雇主 Employee 員工 In my opinion, (我覺得) As for me, 就我而言 Based on Lose lost lost 丟掉 Spice that was used in Bad worse worst 比較糟的 (Being ) 高速公路有兩種 1,freeway 免費高速公路 2.turnpike 收費高速公路 主要幹道highway Pride and prejudice 傲慢 與 偏見 彆扭的 Guaranteed Lifelong career 終身事業 Psyche 賽姬 Venus 低碳 Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 Choose chose chosen 選擇 飆漲的 In order to