
2012-08-07 501 課堂筆記

     For instance,
Regard  A  as B
Think of A as  B
Look upon A as B
Refer to A as B
View/see  A as B
Consider A (to be) B                                                                                                                                 
Generate (v)產生
Generation gap
A boy [(who is) named..]
Eric is born to Lars
Eric Lars生的
Mary is born to Helen
Eric (that was) born to
Jay ericson

1.                               (v)宣佈a…e  announce
2.                               (v)遭受痛苦s..r  suffer
3.                               (n)基金f…d  fund
4.                               (a)不道德的i..l  immoral
5.                               (v)企圖嘗試a…t attempt
6.                               (adv)尤其e…y  especially
7.                               (n)缺點d…e    disadvantage
8.                               (n)許可證p…t permit
9.                               (v)代表r…t    represent
10.                            (n)產品p…t   product
11.                            (v)提及m…n  mention
12.                            (a)明顯的a….t   apparent
13.                            (v)說明a…t   account
14.                            (n)委員會c…e  committee
15.                            (n)機會o…y   opportunity
16.                            (v)認出/承認/認可r…e  recognize
17.                            (n)壓力p..e  pressure
18.                            (a)有空的a…e   available
19.                            (n)系統s..m   system
20.                            (v)繼續存在/仍保持是r..n  remain

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