
2012-02-20 507

Nourishing food
Nutritious food
Malnutrition (n) 營養失調
La bonbon 軟糖
Le la les
Antibacterial 抗菌的 tissue
Bacterial infection細菌感染
Linfuenza   臨流感
Influenza 流感=flu
The flu=influenza virus流感病毒
Linderella èCinderella
Linsanity林來瘋 èinsanity
You are insane!你瘋了(失去理智)!
Lincredibleè incredible不可置信的
Linstinct è instinct 本能/直覺
Linvincibleè invincible 無敵的
Linspirationè inspiration靈感
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration流血流汗è 努力.
Spread (v)擴散
Stop/prevent sth from ving
防止 sth ving
The authorities concerned 有關當局 should enforce the law.
Emit (v)釋放/排放氣體
Emitting the toxic (a)
Organ (n)風琴 器官
Fertile 肥沃的
<=èbarren (a)貧瘠的
Fertilize (v) 使肥沃
Fertilizer 肥料
Chemistry 化學
Physics (n)物理學
Physical (a) 身體的 education classè  PE class體育課
Possible   impossible (a)
Chemist (n)化學家
Physicist (n) 物理學家
Physician (n) 內科醫師
Surgeon (n) 外科醫師
Surgery (n) 外科手術
Biology 生物
Biochemistry 生物化學
Biochemical technology生化科技
Biochemical weapon生化武器
That is needed
Visual stimulation 視覺刺激
Sensory stimulation感官刺激
Immune system 免疫系統
Diploma 證書
Diplomatic immunity外交豁免權
Ambassador 大使
Vaccination 施打疫苗
I am from a better-off family
貧困.弱勢 less-better-off
Beneficiary (遺產/保險)受益人

2012-02-20 502

1. specific

2. typical

3. punctual

4. colleague

5. scheduled

6. associates

7. minor

8. value

9. offended

10. productive 11. conflict

12. perceptions

13. efficiency

14. emphatic

15. orientation




regarded, as, keep,track

48.Not until my uncle was sick did he realize he worked too hard.

It is not until my uncle was sick that he realized he worked too hard.

My uncle didn’t realize he worked too hard until he was sick.

49.So he decided to put aside his work and take a long vacation.

As…as possible

A girl stands under the tree.

Under the tree stands the girl.

Consume (v)消耗 消費

Consumer 消費者

Customer (n)顧客

Client (n)客戶

Costume (n)風俗習慣=

convention (n) 風俗習慣/集會

assembly (n)集會

assembly line 輸送帶=

conveyor belt

tradition 傳統

arctic (a) Ocean 北極海

Antarctic 南極的


Content 內容

Continent 大陸

Soy bean milk豆漿

Eggplant 茄子




Asparagus 蘆筍

Green pepper 青椒

Lettuce 萵苣


Onion 洋蔥` Garlic 大蒜

Bamboo shoots 竹筍

Sweet potato 地瓜

Annoying Orange (n) 柳丁

Tangerine (n) 橘子

Grapefruit 葡萄柚

Omelet 歐姆蛋

Cauliflower 白花椰菜