
2011-10-26 507

1. 凡是關心環保的人都知道,全球暖化是人類所面臨的一大危機。
èPeople who are concerned about environmental protection know (that) global warming is great crisis that human beings face/ are faced with.
2. 雖然遭到許多癮君子的反對,這對不抽菸的人的確是一大福音。
èAlthough/Though it is opposed by many cigarette addicts, this is very good news for those who don’t smoke.
3. 原諒和被原諒一樣有益的。
èIt is as beneficial to forgive as to be forgiven.
4. 所有人都不喜歡他,因為他既貪婪又殘忍
èEveryone/Every body/All of the people dislikes him, for he is as greedy as cruel.
5. 電力將在一小時後中斷,所以我得盡快完成作業。
èThe electric power will be cut off in an hour, so I have to finish my/the homework as soon as possible/I can
What would you do if u were Apollo
, and Apollo whispered, “…”
“In Time”
Eternal life 永生

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