
2013-01-07 501

46.It makes no difference which high school you go to.
Which high school you go to makes no difference.
47. As long as you do your part to study hard, fate will work miracles and help you enter a top college/university.
48.The earthquake came as/like a bolt out of the blue, so many people didn’t/don’t have much chance/many chances/chances to escape/run away.
èhad/have no chances
49.The rescue team sprang/springs into action to save those (who were) trapped in the rubble.
1. jingle bell rock   1
2.last chirstmas  18è16
3.12days of Christmas  10
4.maraia KELLEY HELLO  2
5.this gift  18
6.santa baby 10

When we drive along
Bays that are lined with
Capes that reach into
On a … ride
Catch a glimpse 看一眼
Catch glimpses
Breathtaking 令人屏息的
Seashore 海岸
浮潛 go snorkeling
Go scuba diving 潛水
Observe the regulations
Obey                         遵守規則

Abide by the regulations
The sea that surrounds (v圍繞)Taiwan has….
Varied 各式各樣的
海洋生命 sea life
Ecology 生態學
Be endangered 瀕臨絕種的
Waste 廢棄物
, and so am I.我也是
, and so are you你也是

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