
2012-10-501 課堂筆記

69.Jesoph is viewed as being very smart by his classmates.
70.If only the bus were not as packed as a sardine can.
71.If the firefighter had arrived, the house would not have been burned down.
72.It cost the tycoon a big fortune to purchase that luxurious mansion.
73.Since Kenneth is the only child in his family, he doesn’t have an older brother or sister to take as a role model.
74.Summer vacation is coming(soon).=approaching=around the corner.  While some people are planning trips=planning to travel, others are preparing for the make-up test.
75.Cell phones, to be sure,=
To be sure, cell phones
Bring great convenience to us, and (they) have a great influence/effect(n) on our life/lives.  **affect(v影響)
è, and they influence our lives greatly.
76. It took this teacher much time to arouse the students’ learning motivation through the design (n)設計 of interesting/funny activities.
èthrough designing interesting activities.
1.Arouse aroused aroused
èThis activity aims(v) to arouse students’ curiosity.
2.rise rose risen (v)上升
èThe sun rises _ in__ the east.太陽打東邊出來(上升).
3.arise arose arisen(v)產生出現
The problem arose during the experiment.
4. raise  raised raised
èraise your hand 舉手
èraise pets 養寵物
èraise money 籌錢 for the charity. 慈善機構
èraise the voice提高音量
èraise questions提問
5. raisin 葡萄乾

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