
2012-10-24 607

1.                           etiquette 禮節
2.                           obligatory(a)義務的
3.                           superior to 優於
4.                           incredible不可思議的
5.                           diarrhea 痢疾/拉肚子
6.                           appearance外表
7.                           embryo 胚胎  可觀的
8.                           considerable相當的大量的
9.                           in sum 總數/總而言之
10.                     occasional偶爾的
11.                     complexity複雜
12.                     statistics (統計)數字
13.                     specifically特別地
14.                     revenge(n/v)復仇
15.                     backbone 脊椎/骨氣
16.                     Edinburgh愛丁堡
17.                     festival 節慶節日
18.                     filmmaker 製片人
19.                     productive有生產力的
20.                     earn(v)/贏得
21.                     suspense movie懸疑片
22.                     palace宮殿
23.                     Athens雅典
24.                     Mediterranean地中海的
25.                     solid固體
Something that was worthy of note.
Worthy of N
Worth ving
Thousands of things數千件事物
Tens of thousands of things
Through Just/mere/only touch(n)
By means of ving/N 藉由
I touch the trees in search of a bud.
I touch the table in search of a pen.
Lucky=fortunate (a)
A bird that is in full song.
Have/let/make 使役動詞後面用原形動詞
Dumb 啞巴=笨蛋
Shall èshould過去式
I want not only to see
but I should want to study that face…
it=the face
find in the face sth
坐落/停留/休息rest (v) on books
, for=because
Reveal to sb sth 揭露給某人
I long to talk to you.我渴望跟你講話
See sth with my eyes
Animal that are pictured
Attend the meeting
All types=all sorts種類
1.                           tolerate(v) 容忍
2.                           mischief(n)頑皮
3.                           dominance 掌控/主導
4.                           privilege 特權
5.                           arrest(v) 逮補
6.                           launch(v)發射啟動
7.                           intimate親密的
8.                           relatively相對地
9.                           postpone延後
10.                     thoroughly 透徹地
11.                     annually每年地
12.                     recognize辨識辨認
13.                     sharpen 使鋒利//加強
14.                     capital 首都
15.                     remain 仍然/繼續
16.                     communist共產主義者
17.                     architecture建築
18.                     apparently明顯地
19.                     glacier 冰河
20.                     engineer工程師
21.                     sculptor 雕刻師
22.                     beforehand預先
23.                     moderate(a)適度的
24.                     psychological心理的
25.                     emphasize強調

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