
2012-09-24 501 課堂筆記

In order to VR
為了要建立 (有困難趕上他們同學的)學生的自信心
1.                              have trouble ving做某事有困難
2.                              have difficulty ving
3.                              have a problem ving
fulfill (v)  the goal/task完成任務
complete  (v)
accomplish (v)
Compare jolin with Jaychou
Emperor 帝王./皇帝
Civil 公民的/國民的
Civil right公民權
Civil war 內戰/南北戰爭
1. Negro
2.African-american 非裔美國人
According to N根據
In accordance with N  根據
Based on N  依據
On the basis of N  依據
1.Content  內容
2.contact  接觸
Remember to keep contact with me!
3.contract 契約
4.comment 意見
Daily 美日的  daily C每日C
Monthly C 每月C
Joint(v聯合) college entrance examination 大學聯考
Have /let/make  後面加VR
Documentary 紀錄片
This desk is made of the wood.
  聯邦的federal 區域district
Washington DC
Combine A with B
       = A and B  結合A and B
Thankful =grateful
I am thankful (to you) for your help.
I appreciate your help.
Could not had have  done
Religion 宗教
East    eastern
West    Western
South   southern
North   northern
東北方的è北東方的   ènortheastern
西北方的è  北西方的ènorthwestern
Jaychou has an inborn talent for music.       天生的天份/

1,2,3,4  阿拉伯數字
èArabic numeral 
I, II, III, IV 羅馬數字è
Roman numeral
One….the other
I have two friends.
One is George and the other is Mary.(總共只有2)
One…another…the other
One is George, another is Helen, and the/still other is Mary
Egypt 埃及  pharaoh法老
Mummy 木乃伊 pyramid金字塔
 Nama ste
Put away the toys把玩具收起來
She is far from being sad.
She is far from being heavy
Apart from  N, S+V
Aside from N, S+V除此之外(還有)
1.                              Besides除了..之外.還有
2.                              Except 排除在外
Hardly (adv) 幾乎不
Don’t lie to me!
Lie lied lied
Lie lay lain
Lay laid laid 下蛋è 放置

1.                                       assembly(n)組裝/裝配
2.                                       influential(a)有影響力的
3.                                       manufacture(v)製造
4.                                       名譽fame
5.                                       天文學家astronomer
6.                                       銀河galaxy
7.                                       dwarf  小矮人/矮小的
8.                                       有智慧的i…t intelligent
9.                                       龍捲風t..o tornado

10.                                 小水滴droplet
11.                                 option選擇
12.                                 lighten 打閃電
 lightning 閃電
13.                                 雷雨thunderstorm
14.                                 生產production
15.                                 orbit 軌道/繞軌道運行
                    Mankind =human beings
Humans  人類
 A piece of furniture一件家具

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