Don’t try to revenge yourself on your enemy. 為(自己)報復敵人
Mary revenges herself on her enemy.
Mary revenges her brother’s murder.
Revengeful thoughts 復仇的想法
The pitching mound
A mound of dirty clothes
一堆 髒衣服
Resolve (v) 決定/ resolution (n)決心
Fern (n)蕨類
Two bucks 2 元/塊錢
Frustration =failure (n)
地球繞太陽轉 (公轉/自轉)
The earth revolves around the Sun.
The salt dissolves in water.
The official dissolves the union.
Win him awards 為自己贏得獎項
Persist in 持續做某事
Mary persists in writing novels, believing that people will love them eventually.
Persistent (a)持續的
Persistency (n)固執
**insist on
Mary insists on dissolving the union.
Classmates reunion 同學會
Strike the balance between A and B
Strike struck struck
Strike (n)罷工
Feat (n)功績
Credit card 信用卡
Identity card ID
Together with
Are you straight (a)? 異性戀
Are you gay/lesbian ?男/女同性戀
Are you bi (sexual)?雙…
A few 肯定形容詞
Few 否定形容詞 極少
A little little (否定)
冒號 colon
分號 semicolon
逗點 comma
句點 period
To make matters worse,
What’s better 更好的是,
Actually=in fact=as a matter of fact
Autobiography (n)自傳
Biography 傳記
(was) a ..
Well goes a saying, “ .”
As a saying goes, “ .”
As a proverb goes, “ .”
Only to VR
I ran to the train station, only to find that the train had departed.
At most 至多
, and he refined …
Lead to=bring about=cause =result in
Brought about=resulted in
Blame sb for sth
As a matter of fact
Attempt to VR=make efforts to VR
Disappoint sb
No matter how difficult
Is filled with=is full of
1. Taiwan is prone to earthquakes
1-5 ACDBC 6-10 DAACB
11-15 ADDCB
1.after taking
2. take revenge on
3.has made up, mind
4.are prone to
5.firmly believed that
1.When asked if he wanted to buy a new car, my father said yes.
2.The longer food stays in the mouth, the more like cavities will develop.
3.The harder you work, the more money you will make.
4.This soap opera struck a chord with those who had been betrayed by their husbands.
5.Like other fathers, John firmly that his child will never make a mistake.
Mary revenges herself on her enemy.
Mary revenges her brother’s murder.
Revengeful thoughts 復仇的想法
The pitching mound
A mound of dirty clothes
一堆 髒衣服
Resolve (v) 決定/ resolution (n)決心
Fern (n)蕨類
Two bucks 2 元/塊錢
Frustration =failure (n)
地球繞太陽轉 (公轉/自轉)
The earth revolves around the Sun.
The salt dissolves in water.
The official dissolves the union.
Win him awards 為自己贏得獎項
Persist in 持續做某事
Mary persists in writing novels, believing that people will love them eventually.
Persistent (a)持續的
Persistency (n)固執
**insist on
Mary insists on dissolving the union.
Classmates reunion 同學會
Strike the balance between A and B
Strike struck struck
Strike (n)罷工
Feat (n)功績
Credit card 信用卡
Identity card ID
Together with
Are you straight (a)? 異性戀
Are you gay/lesbian ?男/女同性戀
Are you bi (sexual)?雙…
A few 肯定形容詞
Few 否定形容詞 極少
A little little (否定)
冒號 colon
分號 semicolon
逗點 comma
句點 period
To make matters worse,
What’s better 更好的是,
Actually=in fact=as a matter of fact
Autobiography (n)自傳
Biography 傳記
(was) a ..
Well goes a saying, “ .”
As a saying goes, “ .”
As a proverb goes, “ .”
Only to VR
I ran to the train station, only to find that the train had departed.
At most 至多
, and he refined …
Lead to=bring about=cause =result in
Brought about=resulted in
Blame sb for sth
As a matter of fact
Attempt to VR=make efforts to VR
Disappoint sb
No matter how difficult
Is filled with=is full of
1. Taiwan is prone to earthquakes
1-5 ACDBC 6-10 DAACB
11-15 ADDCB
1.after taking
2. take revenge on
3.has made up, mind
4.are prone to
5.firmly believed that
1.When asked if he wanted to buy a new car, my father said yes.
2.The longer food stays in the mouth, the more like cavities will develop.
3.The harder you work, the more money you will make.
4.This soap opera struck a chord with those who had been betrayed by their husbands.
5.Like other fathers, John firmly that his child will never make a mistake.
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